About IMEC

At IMEC, we know that preparing the I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Exam and Vaccination Report for the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) to get your Green Card can be overwhelming and stressful. But don’t worry! You can relax. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Come in and meet Noemi, our Clinical Coordinator, who will be your helpful guide throughout the process. As the daughter of immigrants, she knows firsthand how important this process is, and she’s passionate about assisting other immigrants to feel more at ease. Plus, she speaks fluent Spanish, so language won’t be a barrier.

The Civil Surgeon thoroughly understands the process for determining and providing the necessary records, vaccinations, and lab tests. We created a set of processes, procedures, and prices to remove the stress and make it easier for applicants to meet all USCIS requirements quickly in just 3 easy steps.

For applicants who have no or incomplete medical or vaccination records – no problem!

We can work with you to provide the USCIS with the required information just as quickly. We even discount non-insured applicants on the medical exam and necessary lab work.

Our one-stop shop means lower prices!

Because we handle your medical exams and vaccinations and coordinate your lab tests, we have the most competitive pricing among labs and pharmacies in the South Bay Area.

Convenient hours

Our appointment times and clinic days (includes Saturday) cater to your busy workday. Register on-line to make an appointment or Call Noemi at (408) 246-9926.

For applicants who began your I-693 Medical Exam with another Civil Surgeon – no problem!

You may still use their lab requisition and take advantage of our reduced lab test and vaccination prices.

Convenient location

Our office is located at the corner of Quimby Rd and E Capitol Expressway in East San Jose, adjacent to the Eastridge Mall campus and the VTA bus hub servicing San Jose.  If you decide to drive, we are near US 101, I-680, and there is plenty of safe parking available.